There’s a new way of doing business that’s beneficial for planet, people, and profits as well. It’s called The B Corporation Movement, and it’s spreading fast.

Read on to find out how fundamental changes in the business world are happening right now, and why this is tremendous news for the health of our planet!

Mushrooms can be used to treat the leading global causes of human death. Cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, depression.

They can also help reverse planetary death by stimulating reforestation, cleaning up toxic pollution, eliminating plastic waste, and providing a whole load of other magical solutions.

Read this fungi packed article for all the trippy and not so trippy details.

There’s an innovative new method of aquatic agriculture known as ‘3D Ocean Farming’ that harnesses the power of kelp to clean the oceans and provide sustainable, nutritious food.

Here’s how it can help save the world.

‘WWOOF is an international movement that links volunteers with organic farmers and growers to promote cultural and educational experiences based on trust and non-monetary exchange, thereby helping to build a sustainable, global community.’

Here I share my personal ‘WWOOFing’ experiences, and offer tips on how you can organise yours.

Since starting A Wall of Hope I’ve found more positive stories than I can post on social media, never mind write about, and that is a humongous cause for hope in itself. That’s basically everything I wanted to say in this article, but you should still read the rest, it will make you feel good about the state of your sanity compared to mine!)

The Circular Economy is the future! Here I explore what exactly the circular economy is, how it is going to work, and how it can benefit us socially, environmentally, and economically. Going ‘circular’ has the potential to save our planet while growing the economy at the same time, and it is already happening. Read on to find out more!

The emergence of Greta Thunberg, the global climate movement she has ignited, and the rate at which it has spread is certainly a phenomenon that inspires, but it can only become a true driver of hope and progress if we actually start listening to what the protesters are saying.

How installing solar and wind technology in the desert can produce clean energy for the whole world to use while also combatting desertification.

What if we could modify plants to absorb even more CO2 from the atmosphere than they already do? Maybe we can.