Forest Green Rovers F.C. is a football club based in Gloucestershire, England, working to bring environmental sustainability to the forefront of the sporting world.

Known as ‘the greenest football club in the world’, Forest Green is already the first officially certified carbon neutral football club on earth, and the first officially certified vegan club too.

Read on for the greener than green details about their journey so far, and their plans for a greener future in sport.

2020 has been a truly terrible year for many obvious reasons, but not all hope is lost.

There are plenty of beautiful humans out there who have done incredible, inspirational things this year that you may not have heard about.

Here are eight of those stories.

Salon Sassafras in the Bos en Lommer region of Amsterdam is a near-perfect example of how a hair salon should be run with environmental sustainability in mind.

From embracing the circular economy, to taking ‘zero waste’ seriously, to running on renewable energy, Salon Sassafras provides an impressive blueprint that hopefully other hair salons, and other businesses in general, can follow.

Read on for all the sassafrassy details!

“There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in” – Leonard Cohen

Here’s just a few reasons to be optimistic during this ridiculous crisis.

What does ‘sustainability’ even mean anymore?

Inspired by my Dad, a man who can fix pretty much anything and who is a real-life beacon of genuine sustainability, here are 13 tips for saving money by making your home more sustainable.

These are all cost-effective tips, do not involve any big purchases or significant lifestyle changes, and require nothing more than a simple change in attitude to implement.

Justdiggit is a wonderful organisation dedicated to reversing climate change.

Their land regeneration projects are helping to ‘re-green’ our planet, while empowering local communities in the process.

Read on to find out how Justdiggit plans to reverse climate change entirely!

Here’s a run-through of five brilliant new businesses offering alternatives to single-use-plastic.

Each example covered utilises a different material to replace single-use-plastic, from bamboo to mushrooms to avocado pits!

Read on for the details.

It’s 2019, the world is on fire, and we can’t put the flames out ourselves. If we’re going to tackle the climate crisis effectively, we need the big bad companies to help. Luckily, it seems, they are starting to.

Here’s how some of the world’s biggest companies are embracing sustainability in 2019.

With limited resources and facilities, the incredible staff at my local hospital, Sligo General, make life more than bearable for people who would otherwise be in completely miserable situations.

The staff here are incredibly dedicated, uplifting, and inspiring, and deserve far more recognition than they receive. So this is just a little tribute to a truly wonderful group of super-talented people. God bless them all.